Legal Notice

Please read the Terms and Conditions of Use carefully before using this website. By using this website you express your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of Use. Otherwise, if you do not accept them, we request that you do not use this website. is owned and managed by DACTA S.A. (hereinafter "DACTA"), a private company located in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic. DACTA offers this website for your personal enjoyment and information. Feel free to explore the entirety of this website. Material displayed on this website may be downloaded solely for non-commercial purposes and for personal and home use only, provided you fully comply with all copyright, trademark and other proprietary notices. However, you are not authorized to copy, reproduce, publish, republish, upload, transmit or distribute by any means or in any way the contents of this website for public or commercial purposes, including text, images, sounds and the videos, without the prior written authorization of DACTA.



1. Everything you see or read on this website is protected by copyright unless explicitly stated otherwise, and the contents may only be used in accordance with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions of Use. DACTA does not guarantee or assume that your use of the materials displayed on this website does not infringe the rights of third parties that are not owned by or affiliated with DACTA. Likewise, the images are also the property of DACTA or it has the corresponding authorizations for their use. Use of these images by you or any other person authorized by you is prohibited, except as expressly permitted by these Terms and Conditions of Use. Any unauthorized use of such images may constitute a violation of copyright laws. copyrights, trademarks, privacy and publicity, as well as the regulations and rules on communications.

2. Information for specific products on this website represents current planning. DACTA tries to make such information adequate, exact and up-to-date. However, DACTA does not guarantee or assume any responsibility in relation to the accuracy of the information. DACTA does not assume any type of responsibility derived from any error or omission that may exist in the contents of this website.

3. Likewise, you assume all risks associated with the use you make of and the exploration of its contents. Neither DACTA nor any other party involved in the creation, production or distribution of the website will be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages associated with your access to or use of the website. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all elements of the website are made available to you "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NO VIOLATION OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. Please note that certain jurisdictions may not allow the exclusion of certain implied warranties, so some of the above exclusions may not apply to you. Check any local laws that apply to you for any restrictions or limitations regarding the exclusion of implied warranties. Neither does DACTA assume any responsibility associated with any damage or infection by computer viruses that your computer equipment or other objects of your property may suffer due to the access, use or exploration of the website or the download of any type of materials, data, texts, images , videos or sounds contained in it.

4. Any communication or material you submit to the Website by email or any other means, including data, questions, comments, suggestions or the like, is and will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary information. Any element that you submit or publish may be used by DACTA or its affiliated companies for any purpose, including, among others, its reproduction, dissemination, transmission, publication, broadcast and publication. In addition, DACTA may freely use any idea, concept, knowledge or technique contained in any communication you send to the website for any purpose, including but not limited to developing, manufacturing and marketing products based on such information.

5. The trademarks and logos displayed on the website are trademarks of DACTA. Nothing contained in this website should be understood as granting, implicitly, by estoppel or in any other way, any permission or right to use any trademark that appears on the website without the written authorization of DACTA or those third parties that own the trademarks that appear on the website. Consult the laws on intellectual property to know the aspects related to the use of trademarks.

6. DACTA has not reviewed all the sites linked to this website and is not responsible for the contents of any page external to it or of any other website linked to it. You assume all risks associated with the use of any link from an external page to the website or from other websites.

7. This website may contain links to other websites managed by third parties other than DACTA. Such links are provided solely as a convenience to you. DACTA does not control these websites and is not responsible for their content. The fact that this website contains links to other websites does not imply that DACTA approves, endorses or recommends them, nor does it imply any type of association with their administrators. DACTA does not accept any type of guarantees, express or implicit, regarding the accuracy, legality, reliability or validity of any content of any other website and does not assume any type of responsibility associated with losses, injuries, demands, legal responsibilities or damages of any type caused by third-party websites or their contents that are accessed directly or indirectly through the existing links on this website.

8. DACTA can modify these Terms and Conditions of Use at any time by updating this text. You are bound by any such revisions, so you should periodically visit this page to review the then current Terms and Conditions of Use to which you are bound.